'Cause I've got friends in low places
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away
And I'll be okay
I'm not big on social graces
Think I'll slip on down to the oasis
Oh, I've got friends in low places
I have to admit. I have some of the best friends that anyone could ever ask for. They come from all over the world and from all walks of life, but that's what makes them unique. They're gay, straight, white, hispanic, short, tall, male and female. They can out-sing, out-dance, and out-drink me, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
My mother always said you can judge a person by their friends. If that's true, then I think I'm in pretty good shape.
This is my 21st birthday. Brian and Kassie were arguing about something. Kassie was right. She always is when we argue with Brian. She is incredible, and is the one letting me live on her mattress pad right now until I find a permanent residence. She's the best. |
Oh Bart. He is my best friend from college. This was taken at Kassie's wedding where he told me it was okay to wear my sunglasses everywhere, even inside. As you can tell from the far left, there was alcohol involved. His family has become like a second home for me, and they are all so great. Bill, Darcy, Luke, Lance, and Grant. I love you all! |
This is Emily and myself. She's basically my sister, and has been since...well....see the picture below! |
Also me and Emily...just a few short years before. Just kidding. I was about four in this picture I think, making Emily probably 9 or 10. We were professional ballerinas. |
This is Kate. She is awesome. She is my Chick-Fil-A and road trip buddy. We like turtles, walks on the beach, and dogs. But really. We do. |
Oh Liz. She is my athletic inspiration. No joke. This girl can beast a 10 mile run. I can't even beast a 10 minute run, so you see that our friendship is a bit unconventional. However, it involves very philosophical questions such as, "Do you eat shrimp?" |
This is Beka, who I met in 2011 while working in Highlands, NC. She's awesome. She goes to Marshall University in WV. And yes. She knows the movie. |
This is Marisol. She got married, which I still can't believe even though I was in her wedding. She and I have had some crazy adventures through the years. Making sandwiches driving down the road, sleepovers, sneaking out, bonfires by the lake, and trips to Boston. I can't begin to imagine how my life would have been without her. |
This is me and Darsee from our freshman year at L-R. How crazy. I'm in her shirt. I don't normally wear Hollister, especially back then. We're still friends, and both still redheads. Check out the next picture! |
Four years later and nothing has changed. Well, not much anyway. Dars transferred to ASU sophomore year, leaving with a giant gap in my life. Luckily we talk all the time still and she is now engaged. This was the summer of 2012 at the Iron Bridge. |
This is Amy. We like goats, long walks on the beach, and interpretive dances. We also like to find new homes for street signs. Don't ask. |
This about sums up my relationship with Megan. We hadn't seen each other in probably 2 years when this was taken. I had just picked her up from the airport, and as always, we got a little crazy. Oh well. Worse things have happened between the two of us. But that's another story. |
This is Colin. And on the left is Dawon, my sophomore rooms. They're both very near and dear to me. Colin is, as you can see, a PIMP. He looks the part, too. For some reason I am drawn to redheads. Colin is now playing soccer for L-R after four years of being the kicker for the football team. I guess you could say he's kind of a big deal. Dawon is teaching softball pitching in Charlotte after spending her four years at L-R as the pitcher for our softball team. |
This is my little, Hannah. She's basically exactly like me, except a year younger. She keeps me in line most of the time, but sometimes it's the other way around. |
This is Taylor. Or Loretta. I've known her since pre-school and until college she went by Taylor. Don't ask me because I refuse to call her Loretta. This was taken at Thanksgiving in 2011. She's currently living in Paris as an au pair. How lucky, right? She's crazy, and she has been with me through so much it's not even funny. She is probably one of the few people who know everything about me. And she has a blog, too! So if you want some extra reading (in case I don't give you enough), her blog is http://lorettasvendetta.blogspot.fr/ |
This is Carlson. We go by our last names because we're so cool. She's my sorority sister and fashion inspiration. She's working in Charlotte right now doing PR, something that we both love. She's incredible, and we are a great balance for each other. Plus, she's absolutely hilarious.
This is the boy. He's kinda ridiculous most of the time, but he puts up with most of my crazy ideas, schemes, and group of always in your face, always awesome friends. He's kinda incredible.
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