So I wake up this morning and get ready for work. My last little chore before leaving is to make sure that the back sliding glass door is open enough for the dogs to get outside throughout the day. So as I open the door, I see a white object in the grass. Upon further squinting, I realize that it is my Homecoming cup from my senior year at LR. For real?! We have been having a small issue with Chase, really one of his only issues. He likes the chew things. Apparently this cup was left out in his reach, because it got attacked. We can add that to the list of my hairbrush, my hair clip, the plastic tub that holds his food, part of the coffee table (I nipped that one pretty fast), and now the cup. So I roll my eyes at the fact that I have to walk out into the yard, but I realize that if I don't, he'll just keep chewing on it. So I go out, pick up the cup, and as I turn around, I see something much worse than the cup. MUCH WORSE.
(Brian, if you're reading this, remember that I love you and just stop reading, okay?)
Chase had somehow gotten a hold of Brian's PS3 controller. I think it goes without saying that the dog won...the Hunter Green Wireless PS3 DualShock Controller lost. You may wonder how I even know the name of this thing. Well, I didn't. That was the first hardship. I pick the thing up, run inside, grab my lunch and my binder, and get in the car. Now, let me remind you, I don't even know the name of this thing. I know it's wireless, and that when you hit things in games, it jiggles. That's about it. So I start Googling. "Green PS3 controller." So I finally learn the actual name of it is "Hunter Green Wireless PS3 DualShock Controller." Okay, that's a start right? Then I learned that basically every store that had it, only carried it online. Of course. Just my luck. So then, I find out that it comes in different colors. So I start searching other colors, and find that Walmart has it, in something called "Cosmic Blue" and the only store in the area that has it in stock is Taylorsville. Okay. Done. Looks like I'm going to Taylorsville on my lunch break today. I've ordered it and made sure that they have it in stock. Now I'll just wait until my lunch break, pick it up with some gummy bears because Brian loves gummy bears, and try and convince him that I dropped it and it broke...with all the chew marks in it. Great.
I mean, that could pass for dropped, right? (Yeah, like dropped off a cliff, maybe.)
So here is my update after I picked up the controller. Long story short, the only place that had the controller in stock and not online was the Walmart in Taylorsville, which is about 30 minutes from my work. I ordered it online for in-store pick up and even called ahead to make sure that it was there so that when I drove there it would actually be there. So I leave work for my lunch break, drive all the way to Taylorsville, and when I pull into the parking lot, I get an email to my phone that says that my order was cancelled because the item wasn't in stock.
Seriously?? So I decided to walk into the store and double check. After waiting at the customer service desk for more than five minutes for someone to help me, I finally get a lady who says sorry but they can't find it even though it says they have four in stock. Well I about lost it. I explained my story, and asked if they had it in any other color. Thankfully, they did. Unfortunately, I had paid with my gift cards and the credit wasn't yet credited back to my account. So not only did I have to use my credit card to pay for everything, I can't cash in my gift cards even though it was technically their fault.
The only good thing is that I got what I needed: a new controller for Brian.
This lovely trek was followed by sitting at the DMV to change the address on my license, get a new picture, and make sure that my new license says that I'm OVER 21, so that bars will actually serve me, because after a day like today, this girl needs a DRINK!
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