Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I really need to Google how to train your dog, especially after yesterday. So if you've been reading my blog, you know that Chase decided that it would really show his love to Brian if he snacked on his $54 PS3 controller. Wrong-o. Bad idea.

Well apparently, that was just a warm up. I did some Googling, and was instructed that my dog may need more physical and mental exercise. Okay, easy enough. After 15 minutes of trying to teach Chase how to "lie down" (he knows "sit" but hasn't mastered "come"..."lie down" didn't go much better), we decided to take a short walk down the road and back. As we're walking out of our yard, I stopped to check the mail. Chase's leash was wrapped around my arm casually since he doesn't really pull, so when he started sniffing around the ground I wasn't really concerned.

Then I turned around. My dog was eating poop. Not even his own poop. Someone else's dog's poop. Awesome. He licks me with that tongue. Or at least, he used to until I saw his desire to eat excrement. No more kisses. Thanks, but no thanks.

So of course, my first reaction was absolute shock. Then it quickly transitioned to horror, causing me to start jumping up and down, pulling on his leash, and yelling, "DON'T EAT THE POOP! POOP IS NOT FOR EATING! PUT THAT DOWN! CHASE! NO! STOP EATING POOP!" I turn around and realize that Brian is absolutely horrified. I mean, so was I, right? No. Brian was horrified because about two seconds before what I will now refer to as the "Great Devour of 2012," our neighbors walked out of their house. Just in time to see me jump up and down and yell about poop. Awesome. Thanks for the heads-up Brian.

I think I shocked them a little bit, because they quickly got into their cars and drove away.

So if anyone has an suggestions of dog training websites, or canine mouthwash, I'd really appreciate it.


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