I feel as though I'm fairly easy to get along with. I love talking to people and getting to know them, sharing stories and jokes, and listening to what they have to say and their opinions. However, I think everyone has those few things (okay, so maybe I have more than a few...) that really get under your skin and annoy you. To everyone with pet peeves, this one's for you!
Here are my top 10 list of pet peeves, in no particular order.
1. Being stopped at a red light when there is no one coming in the opposite direction. No one. At all. I have places to go and things to do, and being stopped at a pointless light is not on my to-do list.
2. People who are naturally thin but still complain that they look "fat" or about how they just ate a cookie. For real? You're skinny! Everyone can tell you're skinny, and you're beautiful. It's okay for a woman in today's society to think she's pretty, smart, talented, and healthy looking. I know we all have our days where we feel ugly no matter what, but just remember, someone thinks you're gorgeous just the way you are, and you should too. Show people how confident you are in yourself and maybe that will inspire confidence in them as well.
3. People who incorrectly use turn signals, or people who don't use turn signals at all. I grew up with a Mom who used her turn signals for everything, and a Dad who thought they were just a cute car accessory. It bugs me to this day when my dad doesn't use his turn signals when we're on the interstate or even driving around back home. I make a point of telling him that he needs to use them because they help other drivers stay safe, but he just laughs at me. USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS. However, if you're going to use them, use them correctly. Don't turn them on and leave them on. Would you do that to a woman? No, you wouldn't, so don't do it to your car. And please, please, please, PLEASE don't turn them on and then turn the opposite way. That just defeats the purpose entirely and can cause havoc with other drivers.
4. People who stop when they clearly have the right of way. For instance, when you are entering the mall parking lot, the sign clearly says DO NOT STOP because you have the right-of-way for people exiting the parking lot or making a turn. When you stop, you hold up traffic behind you, you look dumb, and most of all, you are not obeying the rules of the road. Just do everyone a favor and read the signs.
5. People who used to come to class in college and sleep. Now I'll admit. I chose a private school for my own personal reasons. I took out the student loans to pay for it, and I busted my butt to graduate with honors to make the extra financial commitment worth it. However, for those kids who are coming to class only to fall asleep within the first 5 minutes, this is for you. Go home. No, not back to your dorm. Go home. Live with your parents. Get an apartment and attend a community college until you have enough respect for yourself and for others to attend a four year school. There is nothing wrong with community college. I attended two throughout the course of my four year education, and I had a great learning experience with both of them. But don't sit in a classroom where people are trying to learn and waste your time and money by sleeping. If you want to sleep through your college education, then I'm sure there is a more deserving student who could receive your scholarship money who would enjoy attending the classes that you sleep through.
6. Obviously incorrect use of spelling/grammar. Holy lord. This may be number one, even though I said in no particular order. As a Communication major, grammar and spelling are a bit of a big deal to me. If you have completed schooling past the third grade, they should be a big deal to you, too. There are many words that have different spellings but the same pronunciation. "To" for example. I am going TO the grocery store. Do you want to go TOO? The TWO of us should be able to shop faster than just one of us. People who use TO instead of TOO are almost automatically not taken seriously in my book, unless it's a mistake. However, if you just don't know the difference or chose not to use the correct form, there is no hope for you. "There" is another example. THERE is a squirrel sitting on my car. Sandy and Jim say the squirrel doesn't belong to them, it belongs to THEIR neighbor, Pat. THEY'RE sorry that Pat can't keep her squirrel to herself. Do you see how that works? Other examples include: pair, pear, it's, its, whether, weather, and so on. The only example that I can understand being misused is the difference between effect and affect. I have read up on it and I'm not sure I even understand it now. Oh! the difference of women/woman and freshmen/freshman, using "alot" instead of "a lot" or "noone" instead of "no one."
7. Considering that the election is coming up fairly soon, this one is relevant. I am very accepting of people's opinions. I respect that not everyone has the same beliefs, and that they are neither right nor wrong if they believe something different than what I believe. The line is crossed when people do not respect other people's opinions. For example, if you tell me you are refusing to vote for Barack Obama and then list completely ignorant and factually incorrect reasons, I am not going to respect your opinion. The same goes for voting against any other candidate or issue. One of the most common examples of this is brought to my attention when people are discussing gay marriage (a topic I will share an opinion on soon). I respect the fact that people disagree with homosexuality. That's your right as an individual, to have an opinion. That's the beauty of living in the United States. We are encouraged to have differing opinions from one another. However, do not try and force your opinion onto me. I have my opinions, and you have yours. I would personally like to keep it that way if you don't mind. I think that my favorite example of this is a sign that I saw while surfing Pinterest a while ago. (This is sort of inappropriate, so if you are easily offended...well, maybe you shouldn't be reading a blog about my opinions). "Dear World, Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around... and PLEASE don't try to shove it down my child's throat." Moving on.
8. When I tell someone that I lost or misplaced something, and they ask me where the last place I saw it was. Well, if I knew the answer to that, would the item be missing? I didn't think so. This ties into my pet peeve about losing things in general. Last night, I lost my favorite pair of underwear. Sounds stupid, but they really are my favorite pair. The boy says I tend to lose this pair quite often...he's right. That always happens when you have a favorite something, doesn't it? So I basically spent an hour looking everywhere for them last night. Searched my room, my overnight bags, under the bed, under the rug, in the bathroom, in my car, in my laundry, in my drawers, in my closet (I'm living in my friend's apartment on the floor in the spare bedroom, so most of this stuff is all in a relatively small space). So I finally gave up, took my laundry basket down and started doing laundry. I shook every item as I put it into the washer to triple check that I hadn't missed my favorite undies. No luck. So I wait for my laundry to finish washing, hang out with Kassie, and then go to switch it to the dryer. I'm pulling everything out and I KID YOU NOT there are my favorite panties. I suspect Quest (Kassie's 40 pound retriever mix. He's sneaky.)
9. People who judge groups based on one, or a small portion, or members, or people who want to label everything racism or a hate crime. For example. It is incredibly ignorant to believe that all women are bad drivers, all Muslims secretly want to blow up American buildings, or that every pit bull is a killer. Let's be real. I understand that many stereotypes come from fear. In an effort of full disclosure, I am terrified of planes ever since September 11. However, does that mean that I am scared that everyone in traditional Muslim attire is going to be a terrorist? No. It does not, because that would be incredibly ignorant of the true facts of the situation. Stereotypes are not always accurate, and basing our assumptions on them can prove to be dangerous, misleading, and ignorant. Please gather facts about something or someone before passing judgement, as I'm sure you would ask for people to do for you as well.
10. My last pet peeve...okay so maybe not. But the last one that I am going to take the time to list here. Men who oogle women and then get offended when women do the same thing. This became a big deal when Magic Mike came out. I happen to be friends with a lot of guys, and when they heard that I only wanted to see Magic Mike because Channing Tatum took his clothes off, they gave me disapproving looks. Excuse me? How many guys go see a movie because they heard an actress takes her top off? How about Sin City where Jessica Alba played a stripper? Guys weren't looked down upon because they enjoyed that aspect of the movie. How about the scenes in Wedding Crashers where there are tons of topless women? Or the same type of scene in Good Luck Chuck? Just because I enjoy objectifying Channing Tatum for 90 minutes one night should not make me a beacon of judgement. It's the same reason women are reading 50 Shades of Grey like it's the Bible. Women enjoy sex just as much as men. We just happen to be a little bit more discreet about it. Okay, so maybe not with 50 Shades of Grey (which I have YET to read, might I add!), but still. 50 Shades of Grey is like Playboy for women. Except we actually read the articles.
Everyone has pet peeves...I just have more than most people...
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