Thursday, October 4, 2012

It all ends...

Very Harry Potter-esque isn't it? I thought so. Seeing as how I am a huge HP (that's Harry Potter for those of you who were wondering!) fan, I figured that I would title my post today in homage to our dear magical friend.

But the post still applied. It all actually. My life as I know it ends today. You're probably thinking to yourself, "wow, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning because I'm sure your life is totally fine." Well as a matter of fact, I am fine. More than fine actually. But my life as I know it ends today, because today after work, I am moving in with a boy. Not just any boy. THE boy. (insert gasps and slack-jaws here)

You guys okay out there? I kinda threw you for a big loop, huh? Don't worry. Me too. It's a major step in my life, and probably wouldn't have happened without the job that I currently have (which is still going great!). Actually, nothing in the past two months would have happened if I didn't have this job. It's the only reason I moved out of my Dad's house, into my roommate's apartment, bought a lawnmower, started a blog, and am providing you with some good quality entertainment every day. Wow. That's heavy stuff. But it's all going to be fine. I say that for my own reassurance as much as yours...maybe even more-so for mine.

Today is also the day that Chase comes home with us. I can't wait to pick him up, put his cute green collar and leash on, and bring him home to his new life and a family who adores him. It's going to be fantastic. It's secretly more exciting to me than moving in with Brian. But shhh...don't tell him I said that!

So even though my blog started out with buying a lawnmower and growing up, today is the day that I feel like I actually grow up. I'm going to have bills...and a kitchen. I'm going to have to learn how to cook meals, wake up earlier, and fix...well...anything that breaks. I've already asked for tools for Christmas. I know, I'm a cool kid. I grew up with a dad who basically owns every type of tool known to man. I can use a drill like no body's business. It's going to be weird not being able to walk out into the garage and pick up any tool that I need. I have to buy my own splicer for the screen if it breaks, drill bits, wrenches, circular saw, table saw, jig saw, sander, flat-head and phillips-head screwdrivers, drywall screws, flooring nails, roofing nails, picture-hanging This is a bit of an overwhelming day, isn't it?

But the bottom line is that I'm ready. I'm so ready. I want to be an adult and have the white picket fence and the crock pot and the apron and the dogs. I want a bar-b-que grill and mixing bowls and more kitchen gadgets than are humanly necessary. Of course, many people probably judge me for doing this a bit out of order. You know, moving in without a ring on my finger. But who cares? This is 2012, dammit, and I am ready to be an adult. Plus, I can't afford my own apartment, and even the Catholics recognize living together before marriage if it is out of economic necessity. Have you seen the economy? This is necessary.

Last night, Rooms and I watched The Office for about 3 hours and just hung out. It's what we do. We also bought dog food for Chase at the Tractor Supply. If you've never been, it's awesome and they are so nice. Their prices are also way cheaper than any grocery store or pet specialty store. So really. Go.

So I guess this is really where my blog gets interesting. I'm going to tell you guys everything. There are going to be fights, tears, and plenty of love to cover everything. You get to be with me as I learn how to promises on that one going too well, so don't get your hopes up. I also get to learn how to fix a fence, hang pictures, and shop with coupons. This should be interesting.

So I hope you have enjoyed this so far, and there are only more good things to come!

In honor of my roommate bonding last night, I will leave you with a quote from The Office:

Michael Scott: "Guess what? I have flaws. What are they? Oh I donno, I sing in the shower? Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me - no, don't sue me. That is opposite the point I'm trying to make."


  1. First let me say that the Harry Potter reference made my day. Second, I literally signed up for an account just to comment on here (and I might actually start blogging about who knows what). Third, I am sooo very proud of you! This is a HUGE step that even I am not ready for. I am concerned with one thing however. That whole kitchen and cooking thing...that is going to take some work. But do not worry, I am just a FaceTime call away and will give you the easiest recipes that will shock Brian! I love reading about someone (especially one of my best friends)who is going through the same life experiences as I am! Okay so I have not purchased a lawn mower yet (that's what the HOA is for), but I do have a small toolbox I occasionally use and feel pretty domestic with. Moving in with a significant other is a big step, but if anyone has thought it through thoroughly and responsibly, it is you. However, a dog...that's a serious step! You are going to be the hottest house wife/puppy mommy/chef/landscaper that I have ever met! Again I am so proud of you and good luck with the move. I expect text messages, pictures, and FaceTime sessions so I can see the real thing! Missing you more than you know...<3Carlson

    1. Okay so you getting an account just to follow me made MY day. However, I'm going to point out, now that you already have an account, you could have used your alumni LR account haha that's what I'm doing because I'm lazy. Also, you have a toolbox?! Are you sure that your hair and make up stuff isn't in it because that's what I would expect from you haha plus a U-Haul every time you have to move your shoe collection. And I totally expect cooking help Ms. Italian. I'm putting together a recipe book and I totally need your help (thank god for InDesign!). Miss you more!

  2. Hi, This is a good post, indeed a great job. You must have done good research for the work, i appreciate your efforts. Looking for more updates from your side. Thanks

  3. your post is so discus good points in this post.thanks for this post
