Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Straight Against Hate

As I'm sure you've already noticed if you have read my blog before, I am a girl who is in love with a boy. I am also a girl who doesn't believe in hate towards someone because of who they are, gay, straight, bi sexual, transexual, black, white, asian, republican, democrat, vegan, gothic, or pink with purple polkadots. This being said, I've always found it surprising how people can dislike someone simply because of the way they were made. Yes. You heard me right. The way they were made. To all of you who say that people who are LGBT are making a "choice" or living a lifestyle, I take complete and absolute pride in disagreeing whole-heartedly with you. For those of you who ask why someone "chose" to be gay, I ask you this. Why did you "choose" to be straight? If it's simply a choice, when exactly did you make yours? What day of the month? What year? What time? Oh...? You don't recall ever making that choice? It was just how you were...made? Bazinga.

I have seen a lot of good, loving, honest people discriminated against simply because of who they are. Sure, they could lie and pretend to be someone they aren't, but they don't. LGBT people who stand up with pride each day have more courage than I could ever dream of. Sometimes I think that my life is hard. I hate getting up in the morning because something is troubling me or I simply would find it easier to stay in bed. No one has ever said anything truly discriminating to me. I've never been hated because I was white, red haired, or brown eyed. Let's be realistic. I have it easy.

On February 11, 2012, two women were brutally attacked in Boone, NC, a mere hour away from me. Sarah suffered a broken eye socket, broken nasal cavity, and a severely broken cheek bone from repeated kicks and stomps to her face. Erin suffered two fractured ribs, a torn meniscus on the left side of her jaw, bleeding in her joint, and torn cartilage in her nose. What would the law of the state of NC say if Erin and Sarah were both black? I can tell you right now that people across the country and the world would be up in arms and the state of NC would be pressing charges against these attackers for a vicious hate crime based on race. But they weren't. Erin and Sarah were assaulted based solely on their perceived sexual orientation. Race, sexual orientation, disability, who cares? It's still a hate crime, right? Wrong. According to NC law, the punishment that applies to jerks who discriminate against someone for their skin color, country of origin, religion, nationality, or color are given a free pass when discriminating against someone for their sexual orientation. NC does NOT recognize sexual orientation as the basis of a hate crime.

I personally think this is ridiculous. I am a proud resident of NC, and I am also a proud advocate of "Straight Against Hate." My friends and family members do NOT deserve to be discriminated against based solely on their sexual orientation. My friends and family are NOT defined by their sexual orientation any more than I am defined by my hair color or choice of outfit for the day.

Normally I ask for your comments, questions, opinions, and advice. Tonight, I ask for something much more important...I ask for your signature. Help make North Carolina an equal recognition state in terms of hate crimes. (Then please comment and tell me that you signed the petition!)


Okay so I'm going to ask for one final thing. I ask that the new time that you see someone being discriminated against, whether it is to their face or simply a generalization, SPEAK UP. Stop the use of the word "gay" in reference to something negative. Don't stand by and be silent. So tonight, I changed my profile pic in support of all of my friends and family who face haters every day for no reason. People who have faced criticism by their families, friends, congregation, and strangers on the street. Tonight, I stand up and say enough. I am Amanda, and I am STRAIGHT AGAINST HATE! 


  1. Also, if you want to, tell me WHY you signed the petition and why it's important to you :)

  2. I really love my best friend, more than almost anything. The thought of him being a victim like that... ugh, it just really gets to me. Here's to signing!

  3. AMEN! More people need to speak out in this manner. I love the "Straight against Hate" title. We're on the right side of history.

    1. Thanks! It was a sign that I made during a protest over the summer advocating for equality. I love it.
