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'Merica |
We are one country. We are Americans. United WE stand. Indivisible. Liberty and justice for all. God bless America. Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion. The RIGHT to vote.
Today, November 7, 2012, America awoke the the news that Barack Obama was elected to a second term as OUR President. Our Commander in Chief. We aren't defined by our political affiliations, our sexuality, our favorite sports team, our job, our race, our religion, or the color of our eyes. We are defined by our freedom, and the ways that we exercise that freedom.
I knew that by signing onto Facebook this morning, I was going to see a lot of negativity as well as positivity. The bottom line is that you can't make everyone happy. The reason that you are able to post a status or a tweet about your happiness that Obama was re-elected is the same reason that your friend is able to proclaim that our country is going to come to an end for the same election outcome. If you truly voted the way that you thought right, then you have nothing to complain about. You voted. You made your choice known. Just because the outcome was something that you found unpleasant is nothing to be angry about. Sure, you may not agree with the candidate's stand on social issues, public policy, foreign relations, abortion or welfare, but that doesn't mean that you are any less of an American today than you were twelve hours ago when the election was undecided.
If anything, the events of last night and this morning should make you MORE proud to be an American. You're probably asking yourself why. Why should you be more proud that the candidate that you voted for lost? The reason is simple. Last night was a true example that our democratic system works. America made their voice heard. Everyone who stood up for what they believed in and voted in a way that reflected that came together, united. Sure, you may be disappointed, and that's fine. But to stand up and declare that you are not proud to be an American because one of your rights actually worked? To stand up and disgrace everything that our country stands for while still using one of the rights that you have been given is the true disappointment.
I don't care if you voted for Gary Johnson, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama or Mickey Mouse. The point is that you voted, and that is what we should truly be celebrating. As much as I disagree with people who say that they are no longer proud to be Americans because of the outcome of the 2012 election doesn't mean that I don't read their posts with joy. I read their posts the same as I read the posts that declare that America is still moving forward, and that the re-election of Barack Obama was a good thing. Our unalienable rights that give us the chance to stand up and yell at the top of our lungs about our opinions are the same rights that give our enemy the same right to stand and disagree at the top of their lungs.
The election of our president and our political affiliation is not what divides us. We are divided by our choice. A lack of respect, and a dose of ignorance and bigotry have made us the angry and depressed individuals today, not the election of our president.
So today, stand up and make a choice. Enough name calling. Enough hate. Enough ignorance. Enough party-bashing, anti-American, using our rights to bash our rights CRAP. Have pride in our country. Have pride in the choice that you made, and respect for the opinions of others as well.
Being disappointed in the outcome of the election is fine, but don't let it outweigh the true importance of what we stand for.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Facebook is blowing up with comments about the election last night. One lady wrote a paragraph, which I am sure breaking her caps lock button in the process, about how the world is ending and Jesus is coming back because Obama was reelected... c'mon folks get it together. It's one president, not the end of the world. I think we should be more concerned with the fact that pot was legalized in two states last night rather than who was elected as a face to our country, who has little power to change what congress puts through their little pow-wows. Just saying :)
ReplyDeleteI agree. The way someone votes is their own right, and if they choose to share it on social media, so be it. We must respect people's right to voice their opinions because we are allowed to do the same, even if we don't always see eye to eye. If we all unite based on the fact we are Americans fighting for a greater good regardless of who our president is, we will all be much better off.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this. SO true. We all need to unite behind OUR president!